After exploring the art of collage startIng with miniatures made with a large array of textures, in her recent work she is more concerned with exploring the female imagery and, so by collectIng memories, she created capsules of miniatures in which the romantic feminine spirit; the faces, postures, attitudes, body language, films, or objects etc are directly linked to her adolescence. These postures etc. represent, for Pia, none other than the woman of today; a sort of her own personal artistic vocabulary.

The collection of images is almost an obsession for the artist. A library of thousands of images collected from 2010 and onwards, follow the cultural exploration and evolutIon of the artIst herself.

This journey often starts with movies and music. From the study of perfumes onto Egyptian tombs, over to architecture and industrial design; from tribal signs of lost islands in Polynesia to the patterns of Marie Antoinette’s clothing; from the model and activist Ushi Obermaier to Margherita Hack.
From Patti Smith to Mina via Maria Callas. To the tormented love life of Liz Taylor.

The intense stratification of lives, experiences and experiments filtered and curated by the artist that intensely wants to identify with a modern feminine image.

The artist, being an autodidact, created her own method of cultural realization, in which the gaps in formal knowledge was filled with a primordial desire of research, be it the film medium, its relaxing music, costumes etc., Pia soon developed an iconography spanning a multitude of centuries and cultures.

Stefania Pia’s ideas are expressed through collage, painting, drawing, printed fabrics, re-appropriated memorabilia and photography; research and expression spanning a wealth of cultures.

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April 2012 – SOUND QUALITY – Group Show curated by Kyle De Woody – GreyArea
May 2014 – The Forgotten Memories Of Love – ACRIA young collectors
April 2017 – Group Show Know Wave / Moran Gallery x NADA – Indipendent Art Fair
Dicembre 2018 – Group Show in Palermo

Special Projects:

· Groovy Classical x KnowWave Radio a series of mixes of music 4 make art
· EIGHT HEAVEN short film presented in Venice Film Festival as outsider and previewed on
· STUDIO 4 curatorial projects in Palermo introducing new artists in magnificent locations with a presonalized soundtrack.

Acqua Alta
multi-media on linen
50×50 cm

I have to choose one
multi-media on linen

She’s been dreaming
multi-media on linen

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